IP-in-Action LIVE Central London

Networked Security and Safety Systems are here to stay! 
Join us and engage with a whole New World.

Not only are you invited to the Table-top EXPO, product demonstrations and Education Programme and a FREE Buffet Lunch, but why not invite a colleague, client or prospective customer to view the latest kit...

Join us in London to learn about the possibilities that networked security technology and the advances in IP based security and safety management solutions offers. PLUS much much more...

Bring along your clients and customers and we will buy them lunch! 

  • The IP UserGroup Networking Dinner at the Hotel on the evening of 3rd June
  • Full Programme of Exhibits, Demonstrations and Seminars as usual on the 4th June
  • FREE Buffet Lunch Sponsored by IP Focus Magazine
  • The latest in the series of Network Excellence features 
  • PLUS an opportunity to Quiz the Guru in an open to the floor session where you can ask the experts in an around the table discussion.  

Strand Palace Hotel London UK

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